Tuesday, August 19, 2008


1. A master-builder. A skilled professor of the art of building, whose business it is to prepare the plans of edifices, and exercise a general superintendence over the course of their erection.

2. One who designs and frames any complex structure; esp. the creator; one who arranges elementary materials on a comprehensive plan.

3. One who so plans, devises, contrives, or constructs, as to achieve a desired result (especially when the result may be viewed figuratively as an edifice); a builder-up.

Hejduk's Character definitions clearly define the tasks of each of these Jobs. His illustration shows three people merging out of one another.

Ive began to explore the relationship between these three jobs and speculate on some of the stereotyped conflict that occurs in their relationship,

- The Dreamer
- Vision of Architectural Expression

- Structural Limitations of the Architects design
- Has different thoughts about architectural Expression Possibly more structural expression

- Material availability
- Tradesman availability

All three of these jobs rely on each other to complete the end goal and construct a building.

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